Improve Lobby Security & Efficiency with EasyLobby Visitor Management

More than ever, you need tighter control over the people who come and go in your facility. Paper logbooks are outdated and easily compromised. How many times has someone had to shuffle through guest books, decipher illegible handwriting, or made numerous phone calls to track down the location of a visitor? J. O’Brien can simplify and strengthen your system when you replace paper visitor logs with the HID EasyLLobby Secure Visitor Management solution.

This comprehensive software suite enables your lobby staff to efficiently and effectively manage the visitor flow with an easy-to-use, automated system.

  • Create a high-quality, customizable visitor badge that includes a clear photo.
  • Scan every ID badge and register each visitor, capturing detailed information from the card’s code.
  • Enable employees to pre-register their guests.
  • Alert the host employee of the visitor’s arrival.
  • Provide a self-registering option for visitors to log in using a tablet.
  • Protect the confidentiality of guest information.
  • Develop internal watch lists.
  • Provide temporary access cards for the use of doors, elevators, or turnstiles.
  • Quickly generate a range of reports and check the database.
  • Locate visitors and employees in the event of an emergency.
  • Manage and track conference rooms, parking, packages, and assets.
  • Meet compliance mandates for visitor audit trails and reporting.
  • J. O’Brien has a close partnership with HID Global, and we’ve deployed the EasyLobby SVM solution for a wide range of customers. The scalability of the program allows us to customize it for small businesses to large enterprises. EasyLobby Satellite, for example, adds the capability of managing multiple visitor entry and exit points.

There’s also an EasyLobby visitor management software program for K-12 schools. This version allows your front office staff to track students, visitors, and volunteers.

Improve the flow of people, packages, and assets moving through your lobby. Talk to us at J. O’Brien to schedule a demo of EasyLobby.

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