HID® Mobile Access: The Future of Access Control

Mobile is the Future of Access Control

Mobile access control is the latest development in physical access security. It takes advantage of the increasingly mobile — first world by enabling mobile devices — including smartphones, tablets, and even wearables — to function as a credential. In addition to physical access, mobile access can also enable logical access to networks and other resources. 


What can HID® Mobile Access Do for You?

It's time to take advantage of this single device solution.

Mobile access provides you with countless options and advantages to make your organization’s access control efficient, cost-effective, and convenient. In today’s work environment, mobile devices are almost always on hand, offering a single device solution to log on to networks, access and open locked doors, print and retrieve documents, track time, and so much more. A wide variety of Android and iOS mobile devices are supported and enable building occupants to securely access your facility as a standalone mobile solution or integrated into an existing card-based access control system. Mobile systems also extend read range therefore allowing more flexibility as to where readers can be placed. 

HID® Mobile Access combines physical access control with mobility, allowing devices to replace cards and tags.

Control is at your fingertips and easier than ever before. You can manage your system from a computer or tablet through an intuitive web portal and with a few clicks issue, change, or revoke credentials instantly and remotely without requiring face-to-face interaction. Mobile access replaces physical keys with digital keys, therefore no printing is required resulting in reduced plastics use and waste, and lost or shared keys are no longer a concern. And, mobile access is secure; award-winning technology that utilizes a multi-layered authentication process which protects privacy and sensitive data. Cutting-edge technology has and will continue to make mobile access control the future of credentialing and identification solutions. 

Mobile Access Benefits:

  • Efficient - Single device solution that carries multiple Mobile IDs
  • Cost-effective - Access management is more efficient. No printing or physical card inventory necessary.
  • Secure - No more sharing of cards. Mobile phones lost far less frequently than plastic cards. 
  • Sustainable - Reduce plastic card population, manufacturing, shipping, and carbon footprint. 
  • Innovative - Cutting edge Seos technology.
  • Convenient - Extends traditional read range, allows readers to be placed in inaccessible areas. Mobile ID creates fewer items to carry.
Mobile Access HID App - Send, Download, Enroll

Mobile access is simple to deploy—send an invite, accept and download the app, enroll and go!

Easily Tap or Twist and Go using your mobile ID

Easily "Tap" or "Twist and Go" using your mobile ID and mobile-enabled reader.

Industries that utilize Mobile Access

Mobile access isn’t limited in scope; it is present in industries across the board.

For more information on the benefits of HID Mobile Access, visit our HID Mobile Access Guide or ask the experts at J. O’Brien by requesting a free consultation today!

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