Visitor Management: Integrating Background Checks for Security

Making the decision to implement a digital visitor management system is more than replacing old logbooks. As you move your visitor processing procedure to a software program, you can integrate powerful background screening services to enhance the level of security at your facility.


Most visitor management systems allow you to screen your visitor’s identity against a national or global watch list program. These visitor systems utilize third-party subscription services to check your visitor’s information against a government watch list. The following are a few screening options that are available in the marketplace.

1) Sexual Offender Screening 

This option is a must-have in a k-12 school lobby. This service integrates with the national sex offender registry and returns results in a few seconds. If a match occurs, a discrete message can be displayed on the screen (in a kiosk use case), or a prompt can be displayed to the operator. This prompt alerts the operator to notify proper security personnel. In sophisticated applications, an automated message can be sent out to necessary personnel via email, sms text message, or automated phone call. The automated message ensures authorities are notified immediately.

2) Basic Government Denied Party Screening

This is a great option for facilities that operate exclusively in the United States. The basic government screening service queries US Domestic terror and denied party lists.

3) Advanced Government Denied Party Screening

This is the most robust option available and is intended for facilities that engage globally with both foreign and domestic visitors. This service allows you to check against a variety of US domestic and international terror/denied party lists.

For more information on the options above, download the datasheet:Click to download datasheet

Other Considerations 

Automated screening services are great for vetting potential threats that may enter your facility. But what about threats that do not reside on an “official list”?

One downfall to relying on national/international screening services is the official list itself. There are many instances where a visitor may not be welcome, even if they are not included in a monitored watch list. Some example scenarios where you would want to prevent entry would include:

  1. A disgruntled ex-employee attempting to confront a current manager.
  2. An unwanted solicitor attempting to walk-in in hopes of landing his next big sale.
  3. A parent who has custody restrictions attempting to visit their child at school.
  4. An angry ex-spouse/partner attempting to confront their previous significant other.

Having the ability to manually develop a watch list of potential threats can fill this gap.


All screening services (both automated and manually entered) require you to address your security protocol and procedures. Ensuring your employees, students, etc., are safe, should always be a top priority. Implementing both an automated background screening and a manual watch list is key to adding that extra layer of security to your visitor management system.


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